Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Today has been a nice mellow day. I had a lot of down time and personal reflection time that I have been craving. I went to the ashram for meditation, had breakfast and lead and asana practice there. I got a chance to talk to my teacher about some practices and then I drove out to Granite Mountain and went for a hike. It was totally gorgeous and so great to walk along the trail. Of course, I missed hiking with Kelly and the dogs but it was quiet and expansive and just really great to be out in nature and to spend a little time alone. Then I met my friend Rakini for a cup of tea and visit. Then I came home to Rachel and Dan's and did a little work and now i am getting ready to go back out to the ashram for dinner, a talk and some satsang.

I was really touched by the sweet feedback and encouragement that everyone gave me about some of my schedule plans. It can be a hard thing because while everyone truly does want their yoga teacher to be happy and healthy, no one wants their yoga class cancelled or changed! I understand that part of the formula as well having had yoga teachers over the years who changed their schedules in ways that were inconvenient to me! So anyway, it means a lot to me to get some words of encouragement. It is an ever-evolving experiment- the schedule. Years ago a great counselor of mine told me that I had to set limits on things so that the things I loved would keep being the things that I love. (Thus avoiding burnout and so forth.) Anyway- there are lots of fun things coming up this year. Like what is one or two classes compared to a trip
to India with me and Genevieve? Anyone want to go?

1 comment:

whatnot said...

of course i WANT to go to india. but i can't which is why i love that you all blog about it in the first place.

and kudos on taking care of yourself. I am selfish and want to keep you here teaching, but I am even more selfish about your health and happiness. ;-p