Thursday, December 10, 2009

Here is the link for some pictures from the final practice we all did together in Corpus Christi last weekend. Enjoy:

It was a great day with the Immersion. It is late now and so I cannot write in a very detailed way at this point. We did a long arm balance practice with me and D doing some tag team teaching throughout which seemed to flow quite well today. After lunch we worked on developing a theme for the year as a way to contextualize the various challenges one might encounter in along the way. Then we interviewed the group about what goal poses people had that were in the forward bend, twist or inversion categories. We wrote them all up on the board and then we did a class with the aim of getting them all covered. We made it though most of them in the class which I was pretty psyched about-agnisthambasana, yogi dandasana, pascimottanasana, ardha badha padma pascimottanasana, padmasana, pasasana, maricyasana D, paripurna matsyendrasana, yogi nidrasana, and a few others that I cannot remember. We didn't get to hanumanasana and the inversions but I think the feeling was somewhat unanimous that people felt pretty complete. It was a really fun class.

So there are so many reflections from the day I could write about but that is kind of it for now. More tomorrow. Must rest.

Here are a few scenes from yesterday from Stephanie's camera.


mark said...

wish I were there.

mandy said...

Utkatasana is my pose of the year 2010. Darren's pic is saved on my computer for inspiration. Miss you! And I too wish I were there.

Anonymous said...

Here's my question about picking poses for the year- do you move on and pick a new pose for the new year if you still haven't mastered the pose you'd chosen the year before???

mark said...

Isn't that Utkatasana amazing? His chest is so open with his tailbone in!I love that pose.

Christina Sell said...

Yes, friends, that pose is NOT going away! (I, too, wish you both were here.)

Terra, the fun thing about a goal pose, is you get to decide!

mandy said...

Terra, drop backs have been my pose of 2009. In a way refining drop backs is my pose of 2010. If you look at Darren's Utkatasana I see major shin/calf, thigh loop going on. I'm seeing Utkastasana as a way to train my legs (through the actions of the loops) and help my heels stay down when dropping back and standing back up.

Any thoughts on that Christina, Terra, Mark, anyone?

Christina Sell said...

remember shin loop and calf loop are secondary flows of energy and the position of the legs is placement and the alignment of the outer form(thighs to 90). the ability to hold oneself there has more to do with muscle energy and strength than it does the loops. loops.

Strength in the legs and the ability to stretch the spine up and out of the legs in that pose will certainly help the drop backs.