Saturday, December 26, 2009

Saturday Morning

Well, here it is, the day after Christmas.

Hmm... I must say for me the Holidays this year have been spectacularly not a big deal, which is just how I wanted it. In some ways I do a lot of things all year long that are big deals- workshops, intensives, immersions, training and so on. Much of my life is about visiting somewhere for a somewhat special occasion. (Obviously not on par with Christmas but a kind of special occasion none-the-less.) So being home on the holidays for a few days this year, the thing I really wanted to do was sleep in, work on the house, cook and eat some great food and take some walks by the river. (Had I not landed in the Red Tent over these few days I would have added "do lots of crazy asana" to my list but anyway...)

Kelly and his friend Raymond (who is also an excellent massage therapist, by the way) tore up a carpet in our house and laid down a floor on Christmas Eve. So yesterday we spent a lot of time rearranging furniture, hanging pictures in different places and re-organizing closets and such. See, it doesn't really sound like much-- but for me, since I am not home a lot, nesting a bit was great fun. All the changes just look so good. The carpet smelled like cat pee so getting that out was a big improvement right away. I now have a bigger room for yoga and meditation, Kelly will have a quiet and more zen-like study/library space in addition to the shared office space we have which is more of a "working space and not-so-zen! (Zen is a very generous term here- think less cluttered.) We hung up a lot of our Louis Lozowick lithographs that we had in our San Marcos house but we hadn't figured out where they would go in a smaller house with less wall space. Anyway, after all that, we had a nice dinner watched some star trek and went to bed. I am telling you, quite simple.

It has been such a fantastic year.Difficult in a lot of ways but also filled with blessings, miracles and inspiring opportunities and people. Kelly and I were walking on the greenbelt yesterday and thought back over the year and all the changes we have gone through individually and as a couple. Exactly one year ago we were in a really low point in our marriage and neither of us were sure we would even make it to this Christmas together. But here we are, things stronger than ever and enjoying each other and ourselves a whole lot more. It is a very cool thing.

For me the last year involved really examining my life and sort of throwing a lot of it up in the air and weirdly, at the end (Ok, the process is not done as it is a process and life is fluid and so we are always a work in progress and so forth) of it all it seemed I actually wanted what I had but for a while there I wasn't sure. And I think I needed to upgrade the model and make a few improvements to its functioning for sure.

Anyhoo- that's it for today. Will practice some asana in my new and improved room and take a walk and then start collecting some things for our trip to Georgia and South Carolina. We leave Monday afternoon. I also have some Curriculum Committee work to review before I take off.


Pamela said...

"More marriages might survive if the partners realized that sometimes the better comes after the worse." ~Doug Larson

Merry Christmas, my friend, may 2010 be filled with "the better" for you & Kelly!

Unknown said...

I can put myself in you and your husband's shoes, Christina. I can't work properly as well when I smell something off in my home office, so I regularly have the carpet cleaners (Indianapolis-based) exhume the source of the smell. Even though we have a dog, it's not always the culprit. You'd be surprised to know the other factors that contribute to the weird smell our house often has. Good thing it can be easily removed by carpet cleaning (Indianapolis, Indiana cleaners).