A few more pics from the weekend to share. Folks definitely have the shakti glow, huh?
Feeling the love...
The Austin Gang
I had an okay day yesterday. Anne and I went to Matt's ashtanga class at noon which was fun, even though I felt a little off and had had some vertigo earlier in the day. Then I had lunch at Central Market with my friend Joe following which Kelly and I had a counseling appointment. I then came home to a lovely bowl of fruit and some time catching up on my computer and one of the most supportive conversations with my parents that I think I have ever had. (You guys are awesome.)
Today I am meeting Anne and Heide to practice before teaching my classes at Westgate. It is a forward bend/hip emphasis in the 4:30 class so perhaps we can make a foray into Maricyasana 4 (Or D, depending on the tradition you follow!) We shall see, but that is what I am rolling around in my head. Hope to see you there!
i love these pictures. I love this group. I love YOU!
Great pics!!! I miss you guys!!! I want to be photoshopped in!!! I wish I could have been there....
Love you!
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