Friday, December 18, 2009

So, I got home in time for a walk and a soak in the hot tub at the club before Kelly and I made dinner. I was pretty darn tired from the last few weeks and I fell asleep by 9:30 which was most delightful. It was a pretty jam-packed few weeks- completing the Teacher Training Program in Corpus, Completing the Immersion Program in Tucson and then the 3 days in The Woodlands working on the Standardized Immersion Curriculum and setting standards for its implementation. Any one of those things is pretty big but they happened totally back to back with hardly any time to really reflect and integrate. This weekend I teach an Immersion at Breath and Body Yoga and then I have a bit of down time to let these great things soak in a bit.

So- hmm.. a good night's sleep a great cup of tea and a few brief words on the blog before today gets underway. One thing that really came from the meeting was a collective agreement that The Immersion Program is really the jewel of Anusara Yoga. It is such a sacred duty to teach them and to be responsible for teaching the fundamental practices and theories that inform our practice. We all agreed that keeping the integrity of the Immersion Process intact is of the utmost importance. It was so cool to hear the passion and commitment for the program voiced in similar and different ways by the various members of the committee. I am very inspired to continue my work in this are with even more attention to detail and with even more dedication to the teachings themselves. So great.

Along those lines, I have a big stack of work to do for the Immersion Curriculum project as well as a looming stack of work to do for the different programs I want to offer in the next few years. I feel a wave of creative inspiration arising to meet the somewhat daunting stack of work so that is good. All right, some of our Austin gang will head over to The Woodlands tonight for the annual practice with John and Anusara Yoga Office Party. Although that is a super fun thing to do and i have enjoyed going over the last few years, I am really excited to be with everyone at the Immersion with the Immersion Curriculum so fresh in my mind!

And on Saturday night we have a potluck and practice at Breath and Body Yoga to enjoy together. (Those of you in the Immersion, do not worry- our asana practice won't be totally ass kicking on Saturday so you will still be able to practice at 4! Or you can go home, take a shower and come back for the festivities.) At any rate, I hope to see you many of you at the practice or at the party. Always such a nice way to be together. Truly.

1 comment:

mark said...

You are so busy. My god.

Can't wait to practice tomorrow!