Saturday, April 11, 2009

Saturday Night

We had a great weekend in Corpus Christi for our Immersion. We worked with more precision on Inner and Outer spiral and we dove deep into the tattvas and some of the principles of tantra. That discussion went well. I mean really, it is big stuff. Profound in so many ways.

When we put the Immersion on the books we scheduled for Easter Weekend. (Michelle swears she told me it was Easter Weekend but I cannot remember the discussion!) Anyway, we decided to have a longer day Friday and keep Saturday scheduled and then cancel Sunday and make up the hours on future weekends. Long story short, short weekend of work for me and I am home on Saturday night, watching some some scrubs reruns.

There is alot to say about the weekend but my mind is a bit blank right now. I think one of the things that really stood out for me was how many of the poses improved so radically when ever we took the time to really refine them and how open to refinement and learning everyone was. It was really fun to teach. Michelle took some pics so hopefully she will send them to me so I can psot them.


Renee said...

Thank you so much for the weekend. Working with the blocks and straps helped me finally develop kinesthetic imprints of those inner and outer spirals. With that knowledge I am able to deepen my experience and expression of the poses. By effectively using inner spiral in my legs I found my upper back broaden and release during the final poses of the class. Wonderful stuff!

Towards the end of class you mentioned that it is possible to use one's natural flexibility to create the semblance of a pose without actually activating the muscle action involved in the pose. I'm sure you've said it before, but I finally heard it and approach the poses differently. Thank you!


Christina Sell said...

Amen! This makes my day, sister. (Really, I live for stuff like this...)

Jeremiah Wallace said...

I knew I should have headed down to Michelle's studio this weekend while I was in town. Oh well.