Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday Morning

The fabulous Ari Stiles came and took a few pictures at the asana practice yesterday and that is the link to them. Enjoy... We had a great a practice, which focused on honoring the Cycles of Creation and on clarifying the Seven Loops. So we are 3 weekends into the 9-weekend Immersion and we have covered the 5 UPA's and the 7 Loops. Now what is great is that we have 6 weekends, to clarify, apply to harder poses and to refine. Wow- I love this method. You can outline the basics of it pretty simply and easily and then spend a lifetime deepening your understanding of it and skill with it. It is very cool that way.

Craig Williams came and gave a talk in the afternoon. I asked him to give an overview of the Yoga Tradition and also gave him persmission to talk about whatever he felt like adressing. I have heard Craig talk a few times and so I do know that no matter what the topic he has certain points he always makes. (Craig's rant #1 about following tradition, Craig's rant #2 about yoga therapy, Craig's rant #3 about vegetarianism and so forth. I am teasing him here and have told him as much and being that I am someone with the same list of rants, I can really appreciate the phenomena. Many of you know of what I speak: Christina's rant #1 about flow v. alignment, Christina's rant #2 about studentship, and so forth!) I think the talk went really well- he is fun to listen to and from what I could tell the group got a lot out of it.

I am off to practice, to get some accupuncture, meet Kelly for lunch, meet Anne for Mani/Pedis and then go with her to Peggy's advanced class this afternoon. Big day off. Fun stuff.


Leanne said...

awesome pics- thanks Ari! Are those arrows on people's arms??

whatnot said...

yes! I imagine dedicated anusaris have them tattooed on.

so Christina, you never said *which* rant Craig chose to do yesterday. wish I coulda stayed. =)

Elephant Acupuncture said...

it was an awesome weekend - i only wish we had more time for chanting with craig.