Monday, May 18, 2009

A few scenes from Corpus Christi

Okay, so I am back from a pretty great weekend in Corpus Christi, Texas. Craig Williams came along for the weekend and gave two talks and countless jyotish readings and acupuncture sessions and the group went to new levels in the asana practice.

It is kind of interesting thing that happens in the Immersions at about this point in the process. People start getting really good. The principles begin to take hold, students become more confident, the are physically much stronger and more open and the group is usually so cohesive that all kinds of things become possible that were nowhere in sight in January. It is a very exciting time, really.

The theme all weekend was The Five Acts of Shiva and so we worked a lot with the imagery of Nataraj and the concepts of Concealment and Revelation. It was a very potent weekend with lots of blood, sweat and tears. (The blood was metaphoric. The tears and sweat were very much real.) Okay, well, I need to get some asana done and get a grip on my day since I have been gone and I am subbing for Gioconda at Bodhi Yoga tonight.

Thanks to all the folks in Corpus for showing up with such courage and greatness and for letting this process be so alive inside of you. Really, it is great to be get to be a part of it.

More later. Here are few scenes.

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