So here is the POD, empty, before we moved anything into it.
Another view of the THE POD.
Here I am once we loaded the first third of the POD and were about to secure the contents and tie them off. At this point, everything is pretty orderly and efficient and so forth.

The second third of the contents we loaded were less symmetrically and orderly. I call this "Redneck Moving Truck" as it brings back lovely images of Jed Clampitt of the Beverly Hillbillies and their belongings all piled up on the top of their truck.

After we got done for the day, a huge storm wet in and we wanted to go out for dinner. Mom and I did not have rain gear and so dad suggested we wear garbage bags. Here we are in our "Redneck Rain Coats."
Up Close:
And from a distance:
Of course, Dad had his hi-tech rain gear with him which he was wearing. (To be fair, he did offer his fancy rain coat to Mom who said she would rather wear the garbage bag! I think wearing the bag served two purposes for her: 1) it actually provided great rain protection and 2) she could continue to give Dad shit about wearing his high tech coat when all she had was a bag! This gives you a little insight into my parent's dynamic. Mom is a what you might call a "shit-talker extraordinaire" especially when it comes to teasing my father. They have a lot of fun together- even after 50 years, which is pretty damn inspiring. Think about living with someone for 50 years and still cracking each other up. Very cool in my book e en if you talk a little shit in the midst of it.)
And here we are finishing our lovely meal at the Downtown Cafe in Lavonia, Georgia.
I asked for a side of vegetables with my pasta which seemed to stymie the waitress a bit. (The very nice waitress: "So let me get this straight... you do not want any meat, and you want extra vegetables? No melted cheese over it either?" Me: "Right.Just marinara sauce and cooked vegetables, if that's possible, please...") Anyway- the plate of food they brought me was pretty tasty and would have provided a small family with dinner. They are very into big portions here.
okay, well, that's the overview of my day. Fun times. Off to Wisconsin today, after I help Dad wrangle their bed into the POD. That should be a hilarious.
What Christina didn't mention: This PODS contains the second load of "stuff" for our GA home destined for our Austin home. No mas.
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