Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thursday Nights


Busy, busy, busy. Yesterday we had Focus on Form at 9:30 at Castle Hill. We had a really strong group of regular attendees present and so we went for it. We did a strong shoulder principles class and worked to urdhva danurasana. I spent the day practicing asana and working on the Online Mentoring Program I am launching in October. I taught the 7:30 class at Bodhi and we made a great foray into eka pada raja kapotasana. So many people grabbed their back foot for the first time ever which was a whole lot of fun to be part of. That is such a very cool pose.

This morning Kelly and I went for another run and then I did a nice long asana class. Gioconda came over for lunch and then me and Anne and Gioconda went to have our nails done, which was very fun girl time. As we sat in the pedicure chairs Anne and Gioconda asked me what we were going to do in class at 4:30. I asked them what they wanted to do. Anne said "back bends." So back bends it was. We got to headstand drop over tonight which was fun. There were even several people who were able to drop over by themselves before class was over so that was fun. I love "first times"!

I drove up to Breath and Body Yoga for the 6:30 class. It was a very small class- (Funny how last spring we had it as a group practice and it was packed and now its a class and it is super small. Hmmm.... )Anyway, it was fun for me because the people who came were so good and so pen and receptive and skilled that we really got to spend a lot of time upside down, in some fun vinyasa and also some seated forward bends. I will be teaching the 6:30 classes at BBY through the end of September so please join me. Come October I am gone 5 of 9 Tuesday and Thursdays so I will be off the schedule. So the moral of the story is "make hay while the sun shines."

All right, I head to Corpus Christi tomorrow. I am pretty psyched because we have been on summer break and so it has been two months since I have seen everyone there. I am excited to reconnect and catch up and bring the Immersion to a close as we dive into Teacher Training.

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