Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wednesday Morning

Hey, everybody!

Well it was a fun afternoon of classes yesterday. I practiced with Juan at noon which was great although I must say ashtanga two days in a row is a whole different thing. I can barely lift my arms today!

My first 4:30 class at Castle Hill went well. It was a mix of folks I know and new people. I really like the space there and the class went well. We worked with Stability and freedom- creating stability in the tailbone and freedom in the spine and chest. It was a potpourri of sorts with some stnading poses, sirsasana, gomukhasana and some urdhva danurasana and then shoulderstand.

At 6:00 at Breath and Body Yoga we worked with a similar sequence only without urdhva danurasana and spent some time working on how to go from shoulder stand to setu bandhasana. It went very well. We worked with the union of acceptance and aspiration. Rooting with acceptance, lifting with aspiration.

I was really pleased with how the Breath and Body students responded to the slower, more methodical work without the heat on. It is a big challenging yoga pose to switch one's learning and practice mode. It can be hard for start and stop people to embrace flow, hard for flow people to embrace technique, demos and precision. When you are used to heated practice, finding your way to opening is challenging without it, used to working without heat and the heat is its own challenge to work with. Really, there is no one way.

So just a short note to update everyone on my public class schedule here this summer. I am teaching a lot here this summer and my travel schedule picks back up in the fall. I hope to see as many of you as possible in class.

So- organized by day of the week as opposed to studio:

9:30-11:00 Bodhi Bee Caves
12-1 Bodhi Bee Caves- flow
4:30-5:45 Castle Hill Level 2-4
6:30-8:00 Breath and Body

9:30- 11:00 Castle Hill- Focus on Form
4:30-6:00 Breath and Body
7:30-9:00 Bodhi

4:30-5:45 Castle Hill- Level 2-4
6:30-8:30 Breath and Body-Group Practice

In general, although not exclusively, the Breath and Body Classes and the Bodhi classes are more flow-based. The Castle Hill Focus on Form class will not be so much flow. And the Castle Hill Level 2-4 class will certainly move right along with some vinyasa but think handstand, headstand and shoulderstand rather than lots of chataranga.

And on side note, Now is the perfect time for those of you in the Teacher Training process who always ask me "how would you introduce this to a new group?" to come to classes as I am introducing our method to lots of new groups right now.

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