Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Like Sardines

So the Saturday morning session with Desiree is oversold. We are going to be like a can of sardines in there. I kept saying there was room because I had not gotten checks from everyone and from long-standing experience at this, I do not reserve anyone a space until I have their money. So then, Des told me she wanted to bring an extra person as her guest and I forgot her boyfriend was coming and a few checks arrived I had not counted on and one thing led to another and it is oversold. Technically speaking there is enough space for this "overflow situation" just none of the space will be "personal." So be prepared for Saturday morning to be very full... Leave your bags, bottles, journals, cameras, small children, extra clothes, snacks and all other "nesting items" out of the room, please!!

If your check is already in the mail, do not worry; if you just casually mentioned to me that you wanted to come, you may not be on my list so check in with me.

Okay- yesterday Kelly and I cleaned out a bunch of stuff in our house as a sort of spring purge and took a whole carload of stuff to Goodwill. So that was great. I did a nice long practice and restored my body from the long plane ride I had on Monday- I try to do hip openers and inversions following plane rides to soothe my nervous system. Lately I have added in some more psoas work following trips since there is so much sitting involved in travelling.

I had a great talk with my editor Monday en route and it is going to be difficult for her to get her work done on my project in time to get the book ready for Estes Park but it might actually be possible. She has a full-time editing job and this is a moonlighting gig for her and so she cannot devote her full attention to it. But I am crossing my fingers. The worst that happens is it comes out a month or two after the Grand Gathering which, really, is not big deal. In most ways it is out of my hands so worry or hoping is a bit of a waste of energy. I have done my part. She did say she thought it was inspiring.

So I have some book things to do today, some things to do for the workshop and some things to pack up and get ready for my trip to Denver. Since Des will be here all weekend and the weekend is full, I have to pack for Denver now. She and I leave almost immediately following the Sunday session for the Certified Teacher's Gathering in Denver. I am really looking forward to that. The Gatherings are always fun and this one is going to be huge.

All right then- off to enjoy the day. Classes down here in San Marcos tonight. Oh also, I added some blog links- Jen Marie has a blog and so does my friend Meg. So now they are on the blog roll. Check it out and enjoy.

Link to directions to the studio where Des is teaching:

Link from the studio to the potluck on Saturday night:

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