Here I am, drinking my morning cup of tea and listeining to Kelly talk about a very frightening "Super Bug" that some hospitals are beginning to test people for no matter what symptoms the patient presents upon admittance. MRSA is some sort of nasty, potentially lethal staph infection. Anyway- the point seems to be keep your immune system in good working order. With or without MRSA lurking in the collective germ pool and psyche, keeping one's immune system in good working order is a great idea. (So if you are sick, stay home from yoga class so we do not get sick also. You may have noticed the overwhelming lack of fresh, circulating air in most yoga rooms. Think about it- we spend a lot of time in stuffy, sweaty rooms touching each other a lot and breathing deeply. Germ Central. Also chances are your yoga teacher does not have good health insurance or paid sick leave and so a cold or flu can wipe out our finances!)
So- we had fun classes last night in San Marcos. Level 3 revisited vasithasana and also practiced some variations on Maricyasana 1. Level 1 &2 practice lots of reclined hip and hamstring stretches, practiced standing poses and halasana. I have posted the next sessions schedule at . Notice that I have reworked our syllabi and now there is no more level 4 and 5. If you were in Levels 1 &2 on Monday night you will notice that now it says Level 1. You have not been demoted. I have changed the content around. Same with Level 3. You did not fail to meet the criteria to advance, the content has advanced. Your cllsses will still be your classes! No test failed, everyone is doing well.
Also- Kelly will make his foray into teaching a regular class on Saturdays, so that is exciting. It is a drop in class ($10) from 9:30-10:45. Come ready to practice whatever we worked on that week in our classes. He will structure the class very-practice oriented with fewer explanations and demos than the weekly classes have. This will help people develop strength and stamina.
Jesse has started an Austin Anusara Yahoo group. If you have not been invited but would like to be invited, emil him directly It will be a great forum for staying in touch with one another and for keeping abreast of upcoming events.
And as a sneak preview to upcoming events... In my last entry I alluded to some projects I was working on with my friend Darren Rhodes. He and I are going to teach a series of one-week Immersions in Tucson together (Oct. '08, Dec. '08 and March '09 with a week-long Teacher training sometime in '09. ) So those of you in far away lands wondering how you are going to get those Immersion hours, start making plans now! Email me for information.)
And for you local folks, the chances are high he will come here (so we can plan our program) and teach in San Marcos in August. (The summer heat just got hotter!) More details on that soon- probably some int./adv. class with an Eye of the Tiger Sunday practice. But isn't that exciting? Darren is one of my favorite people.
So- that's about it for now. Spirit is well enough to go walking now and so it is time to take the dogs out for their constitutional. Have a great day!
Hi Christina,
I found your blog on Google when I searched for MRSA. You should look into a new silver antimicrobial technology that is now available in t-shirts, athletic wear,etc. called SmartSilver. Go to
and see for yourself the antimicrobial and anti-odor benefits of this athletic wear.
Designed in the research labs at Penn State, this is the newest and most effective antimicrobial technology - and you wear it on your body. You can order workout t-shirts and even polo’s online - either single pieces or in bulk at
Please help us get the word out. Let me know if you have any questions.
Okay-so now we are an advertising board for silver clothes. Very strange. They must have some kind of google flag alert. My point was not the virus, my point was take care of yourself when you are sick and if you do not care about your own immune system, care about your yoga teacher's immune system (and her bank account.)Love you guys.
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