A few scenes from our practice. I didn't take a lot of pictures so any of you who have some, email them to me and I will post them also.
Pre-practice gathering and Dale being silly. And the question on everyone mind is, "Dude where do you get those pants?"
And here is the lovely Lauran Janes welcoming us to The Love Shack and sharing her vision for the space. And really, its a great vision- A co-op where each teacher is their own studio. Teachers can rent the space and pay a reasonable fee to support and sustain the facility and after that, the class fees collected go directly to the teacher.
Here Kristen is going up into handstand from urdhva prasarita eka padasana. Kristen is getting ready to take a 3-month sailing adventure so I was pretty psyched that she was able to amke it to practice again before she takes off. Three times now we have said good-bye but I think this time was really it. But she will be back in the spring, probably with LOTS of great stories.
Here is Anne assisting Lauren. Although Lauran has a fantastic free-standing handstand and so does Anne but they partnered up in the spirit of things. (And as a commercial here- Anne leads a practice at Clear Spring Studio on Friday afternoons at 3:30. They use an Iyengar sequence and this would be a great place to hone in on your inversion practice. Anyway, link to her blog from mine and you can get details about that.)
Here is Jesse and Ron working together. Love the precision in action.
Here is me and Anne. We are working here on pressing up to handstand from ardha baddha padmottanasana and then working on padmasana in handstand.
Here is Karuna demonstrating urdhva danruasana. Prior to this shot, she was showing how to plug your arm bones into the shoulder sockets.
First Flow: Do complete flow 2X on each side
- crescent
- standing back arch
- uttanasana
- step back with left leg to a right leg lunge with knee down and big Inner Spiral in the back leg then the front leg then the back leg then step
- wild thing with right leg high and then step forward with right leg to
- anjaneyasana with a big back bend.
- vinyasa
- repeat from the beginning only step back with right leg for the lunge
Second Flow- Do complete flow 2X
- utkatasana deep sits- 5X(Don't ask, too hard to describe)
- one-legged down dog to knee to shoulder flow-5X
- wild thing
- vira One
- Revolved Vira 2
- Reverse Revolved Vira 2
- revolved lunge
- deep lunge with forearms to the floor
- revolved lunge with quadricep stretch
- repeat from beginning but do second side
Third Flow- Do complete flow 2X
- garudasana
- standing baby cradle
- eka pada galavasana to eka pada bakasana- to bakasana to chataranga
- anjaneyasana
- anjaneyasana with back leg in bhekasana
- vira one
- revolved parsvakonasana
- eka pada koundinyasana
- wild thing
- parsvottansana
- parivritta trikonasana
- parivritta ardha chandrasana
- parivritta ardh chandr chapasana
- urdhva prasarita eka padasana
- repeat on other side
handstand from urdhva prasarita eka padasana
Fourth Flow- complete flow 2X
- utthita hasta padangusthasana
- parsva utthita hasta padangusthasana
- ardha baddha padmottanasana
- hop back to down dog with foot in lotus
- vasisthasana 1, 2
- parsvakonasana clasped
- trikonasana
- wild thing
- repeat on second side
Handstand press from half lotus
Fifth Flow: do 2X
- ustrasana
- waving ustrasanana
- ustrasana
- jump through
- setu bandhasana
- urdhva danurasana
- navasansa
- work on drop backs
Sixth Flow: do 2X
- down dog
- Right leg forward to eka pada rajakapotasansa prep with forward bend
- bring back leg around to agnisthambasana
- twist over top knee in agnisthambasana
- krouncasana variation (Keepy bottom leg as though in agni)
- surya yantrasana variation
- ardha baddha padma pascimottanasana
- pascimottasansa
- vinyasa and repeat on second side
Seventh Flow: 2X
- supta padangusthasana 1, 2
- supta padmasana
- matsyasana
- urdhva mukha pascimottanasana
- jathara partivarttonasana
- repeat second side